Carver County seeks grants to complete construction projects. | stock photo
Carver County seeks grants to complete construction projects. | stock photo
Carver County is soliciting federal officials for funding on important construction projects that need to be completed throughout the county, according to a county-issued news release.
“We continue to apply for these grants to leverage our resources,” County Engineer Lyndon Robjent said in the news release.
Robjent said that some of the criteria in the funding programs put the county at a disadvantage because it is mostly urban and rural.
Commissioner Randy Maluchnik said the county can't complete with big cities and counties unless it develops strong applications.
“This means we do corridor studies like the Arboretum Area Transportation Plan and Highway 10 Corridor Study to scope out the issues and develop solid concepts before even considering an application,” Maluchnik said in the news release. “We determine the projects we think will score the best, then vet them out with our partners and the public before moving forward.”
The county currently has 17 grant applications filed.